Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Versions of smiles!


When you smile at me
It’s like a spring of water
In the desert that roots in to
The dry sand, and cools my heart
It can talk of many a thing
And brings positive hopes in abundance !

At times, I wonder about
That smile you gave
From a stretcher in the lobby
Of a labour room,
After a long surgery to give me a baby
The smile followed by a stare
When you’re not in sense.
The most singular and substantial..!

Now, across the miles your smile
Flies all its way to tender me with love and relief.

* * * * *
Smiles can annoy often,
When in such a juncture
It can be irritating or humiliating
Like a dagger, piercing
Directly in to the heart,
Hurting you like anything.

A pale smile substitutes
Many a thing – strangeness, acquaintance
Vague, sneak ideas, approvals, disapprovals
Agreements, disagreements.

Let the heart identify
The hidden hints on time.
It creates mountains in between
Enabling not to tunnel it
Or divide two with an ocean
Impossible to bridge the gap!

Might you’ve come across
Some ever smiling faces
In despair or dismay
Joy or sad, keeps their light Like a sea , hiding the currents under
And flowing without flowing.

This mask of smile is a blessing
None can like to differ
The shield may ease everything.

Smiles – Soothing and cooling
Thrilling and filling
Void , pale, perplexing
Even retaliating
Destructive like a gale !
Consuming like a fire !

Now, even smiles have
Its own versions
So, be cautious while smile !
They’re no more the reflections
Of mind, but….
Shield or mask
And often a weapon !

* * * *
Don’t you cease the smile
Bearing the innocence, goodness,
Hope, frankness and love.
Let others do anything
Don’t change course of your smile.
I love those which touches
My mind with gentle breeze,
Refreshing me with new hopes.

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